Process to Secure your Locked 2nd level & 3rd level .IN/.भारत domain Names

An email is sent from NiXi (.IN Registry) on 14th September to transfer your locked domain name. If you if have received that email please go to step A below, if not then simply write an email to : with your domain name requesting them to provide you the auth codes once you receive the auth code please follow step A below :
  • Step A:
Reply the email which you have received on 14th September by marking . As soon as you send email you will receive a case number from registry. And within day or two you will get reply from tech support that you need to submit some documents to verify domain name's Registrant identity along with list of domain names for which you need codes. Once you submit those documents and domain names list(s), go to step B below and if you require any help in regard to your list of domain names or registrant details etc. send us email on
  • Step B:
After submission of documents, within a week time you will get an email containing your Auth Codes from NiXi (.IN Registry). This email contain your domain names, Auth codes and number of years for which you need to pay due renewals.

After you receive this email you have choice to choose your registrar, you can simply forward us the email, we will generate invoice in your customer account as per the registry email and once you pay them, we will activate your domain name by transfer from registry account to the same control panel where you were previously managing your domain names. No downtime and if you are using our DNS then same will remain active. Lowest possible pricing will be provided to you.
  • Step C:
Once you forward us the email containing auth codes (make sure you don’t change any value in that email and sending us the original only), we will generate invoices for transfer and renewal on you and as soon as you pay them, you need to inform us on and also need to reply email which you received from registry containing auth codes to and mark cc to with following lines:

“I already paid all dues to my registrar, please UNLOCK and allow transfer of our domain names to our desired registrar Data Ingenious Global Limited."

We will then start the transfer process, Transfer process is usually takes few hours to 3 days depending on how fast registry acknowledges the emails. Our customers has already took transfer in few hours.
  • Step D:
Once all above steps are get completed, you have to wait and when transfer get completed, we will inform you and you can control your domain name as you were doing before from the same thru our control panel.

Rest assured we will provide you with lowest possible price for your renewal and transfers.

If you need any clarifications please email us on our support id. or you can also write to NiXi (IN Registry) at

Data Ingenious Support Team.