
  • As low as
  • Automated validation no paperwork
  • Boost your site’s Google ranking
  • Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate
  • FREE site seal
  • Risk free 10 day refund policy
  • Secures multiple websites
  • SSL turns browser bar green
  • more...


  • As low as
  • Boost your site’s Google ranking
  • Compare GGSSL certificates
  • Device compatibility
  • Domain Verification SSL
  • Secures multiple websites
  • Site Seal image
  • Strong encryption on the market
  • SSL turns browser bar green


  • As low as
  • Boost your site’s Google ranking
  • Compare RapidSSL Standard
  • Fast SSL issuance
  • Get Free Site Seal
  • Secures multiple websites
  • Strong encryption on the market
  • SSL turns browser bar green
  • Universal device support

Frequently asked Questions

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it is a method of encrypting data as it travels across the Internet to ensure that private information remains secure. Because of how Internet is designed, when users send private information to a website,it may go through a dozen of other servers and networks before reaching the destination.At this point any of them could intercept your customers’ information unless it is encrypted. so for the safety of your users you do require an SSL Certificate.
Generating an SSL certificate takes series of steps:
Step 1: Generate a private Key.
Step 2: Generate a CSR(Certificate Signing Request).
Step 3: Remove Passphrase from key.
Step 4: Generating a Self-Signed certificate.
Step 5: Installing the private key and certificate.
Step 6: Configuring SSL Enable Virtual hosts.

if you choose Data Ingenious Global Limited, we take care of everything for you from Step 1 to Step 5 are covered by us to save your valuable time and technical hurdles.
Well the answer is based on your requirements. by category wise there are 5 type of SSL Certificate

1. Domain Validation(DV) SSL Certificates for personal websites.
2. Extended Validation(EV) SSL Certificates for personal as well as eCommerce websites.
3. Wildcard SSL Certificates for multiple subdomains. For Example xgenplus.com, which would cover eai.xgenplus.com, www.xgenplus.com and any other subdomains.
4. UCC SSL Certificates for multiple domains, subdomains and websites. For Example,you can secure, www.xgenplus.com, eai.xgenplus.com and www.datamail.in
5. Organization Validation(OV) SSL Certificates is the more secure step up from DV. As well as checking up on ownership of the domain name.

We also provide file extenctions type like .jks, .p12 and .pem
You do not need to worry about your SSL Certificate expiration. We will remind your 1 month before your SSL certificate expiration date. if still due to some circumstances you are unable to renew it we will keep sending you the notification every week until you renew it.
1. SEO: Search engine ranking of your website may be affected.
2. Position: You may lose yourself to competitors who have https.
3. Trust: Your visitors may not trust your website because of the browser warning.
4. Data: Your website data may be compromised and misused if not protected by SSL.